Our website has the current availability and is updated frequently.


Most items are in good supply however some may be short or not yet ready for sale. Email to NMFruitGrowers@aol.com if you wanted to check on a specific item.



7 Responses to “Spring 2016 Availability”

  1. Jennifer Bryan Says:

    Will you have some persimmon trees?

    1. Yes, we should have some of each variety

  2. Jennifer Bryan Says:

    Thank you. Can you please give me directions from Albuquerque and hours? Jennifer

  3. send an email to NMFruitGrowers@aol.com and we will forward a map

  4. Jennifer Bryan Says:

    I wanted to thank you for such wonderful “shopping” experience last Saturday. You were very very helpful. Will you have any more elderberry plants available next Saturday. If so, I’d like to get 2 more. Thanks again, Jennifer (in the red Prius)

  5. Some others got grabbed later so not sure, I will check Saturday . send an email so I have address and will get back to you

  6. Jennifer Bryan Says:

    Thanks for the response. My email address: senoradeltelar@yahoo.com

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